Company Health & Safety
Protecting the health of yourself and your employees should be top priority. If someone is injured on the job, this can lead to lost time, WSIB claims, fines, job closures, even jail time, all of which can potentially destroy the business you’ve worked hard for. Having a health & safety policy in place will help to ensure that all of your employees work safely, preventing accidents and injuries BEFORE they occur. It will also protect your company if an injury does occur by showing you’ve done your due diligence.
General health and safety rules
Record of Training
Attendance Form
Worker Health & Safety Orientation
Want your business to grow the way you want it to? Then you need to ensure that your employees are on the same page and know what is expected of them.
Familiarizing them with your business practices, goals, health and safety procedures and how they should conduct themselves can create a safe, productive work environment where everyone is working towards the same goal.
Worker Health & Safety Orientation
New Worker Orientation
Worker Orientation Checklist
Enforcement & Discipline
Policies and procedures are essential for a business to run smoothly, but only if all of the employees follow them, which you already know is not always the case.
A written enforcement and discipline policy will clearly outline to your employees the consequences of not following company rules. In the event of an employee dismissal, this will help to protect your company if they feel they have been wrongfully dismissed since your expectations have been documented.
Employee Warning Report
Working Alone
Do you have employees that work alone? If you do, you need to have policies and procedures in place to ensure their safety.
This policy will allow you to establish ways to keep in touch with your employee, procedures if the employee cannot be reached and what the employee should do if they find themselves in an emergency situation.
Alcohol & Drug
This policy outlines to everyone who works for/with your company exactly what is expected of them in regard to drugs and alcohol in the workplace and the risks of their use to workplace safety. It goes over company/employee expectations, proper behaviour at company social events, monitoring and review procedures and available treatment services.
Cell Phone
With the constant development of new technologies and the prevalence of cell phone use while driving, it is important to outline what your company expects from its employees.
Distracted employees can lead to production loss as well as accidents, especially when used when driving. Having this policy will help to set the expectations of your company to your employees.
Hearing & Noise
Are your employees subjected to loud or prolonged noise at work? Any noise equal to or above 85 decibels can cause damage to your employees hearing and it is your responsibility to try to prevent this damage. This policy ensures that your company will aim to reduce excessive noise in the workplace or provide access to noise-reducing safety equipment for all employees.
Does your workplace have common areas used by multiple employees, such as kitchens, bathrooms or work vehicles?
Having a housekeeping policy puts in to writing that everyone is responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of these areas, which can help to limit unnecessary mess and confusion about who is responsible.
Fatality/Critical Injury Policy
Do you know what to do if a person enters your business and becomes critically injured? Did you know that it is the responsibility and first priority of every other employee is to preserve life and prevent the injury from becoming worse? This policy establishes what a critical injury according to the Ministry of Labour and procedures that should be followed in the event of an accident.
Fire Protection
Fire can be completely devastating leading to expensive property damage as well as loss of life. Does your business have procedures in place to prevent fires from occurring? Or in the event of a fire, do you and your employees have the knowledge and equipment to handle it safely and efficiently?
Fire Protection Policy
Fire Extinguisher Checklist
Monthly Fire Extinguisher Record
First Aid Procedures
Large or small, accidents can happen at any time, from a simple cut of a finger to potentially life-threatening events. If an accident occurs, do you have the procedures in place to efficiently handle the situation, like first-aid certified employees, a well-stocked firstaid kit, or emergency numbers? Knowing what to do BEFORE someone is injured can help to minimize more serious outcomes resulting from workplace accidents.
First-Aid Procedures
First-Aid Log Sheet
Personal Protective Equipment
This policy will ensure that all of your employees know what safety equipment is needed as well as the standard to which the equipment needs to meet. When employees are made aware of the proper safety gear and their responsibility to wear them, this will help to limit or prevent unnecessary workplace injuries.
Working at Heights Policy
It is mandatory that anyone working 9 feet or above a works surface needs to have Working at Heights training. This policy will help ensure that your employees are properly trained that procedures are in place to prevent fall accidents. If your employees work 9 feet or below a work-surface they are required to have Fall Protection training. CARAHS can provide a Fall Protection Policy as well. Please specify which policy you will need for your safety manual.
Working at Heights Checklist
Working at Heights Rescue Policy and Procedures
Individual Equipment Inspection Reports
Accident Investigation Reporting
Are you prepared for when a serious accident or even a fatality occurs on the job? Do you have written procedures in place that outline the steps needed to be followed and by who? Preparing your employees BEFORE an accident occurs can be the deciding factor between an injury and a fatality.
Incident Reporting Policy
Accident Investigation Report
Near Miss/Property Damage
It is a good idea to document situations that occur that could have resulted in an accident. This document becomes a learning tool for the rest of your employees. It allows them to be aware of a hazard and how to prevent an accident from happening.
This document will include information about the incident such as time, date, weather, location, worker involves etc.
Covid 19 Policy & Procedures
This document states that your company will ensure the health and safety of your staff as well as your clients during a pandemic. It follows regulations set out by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. In this policy there is information regarding Coronavirus including symptoms, and how the virus is spread. Also included are procedures that can limit the spread of the virus and what to do should an employee show symptoms or become infected.
Appearance, Dress & Hygiene
Your employees are often the first thing potential clients see and it’s important that they represent your company properly and emit professionalism to attract more business. This policy allows you to set the expectations of your employees regarding dress and personal standards so that clients view your business exactly the way you want them to.
Motor Vehicle Safety
From a small, compact work vehicle to a large 5+ ton truck, they can all do serious damage if not operated or maintained properly. This policy ensures that your employees all know and take the necessary steps to operate the vehicle safely, including practicing proper vehicle safety checks before use, as well as what to do in the event of an accident.
Motor Vehicle Safety Policy
Vehicle Inspection Checklist
Respiratory Policy
This policy is all about promoting a health and safe work environment by observing the hierarchy of controls: substitution or elimination of a product with one of a lesser toxicity, engineering controls, administrative practices and personal protective equipment. This policy applies to all employees who are required to wear a mask or respirator to protect against airborne contaminants to which they may be exposed to the course of their work.
Workplace Harassment
Workplace harassment can be a serious issue for your company if not handled correctly. This policy defines what constitutes as harassment and provides a written, signed document stating that everyone in the workplace, including supervisors, subcontractors and workers, must be dedicated to preventing workplace harassment and will be held accountable by the company.
Harassment Policy & Program
Harassment Investigation Form
Workplace Violence
Workplace violence can include violence between employees but also the risk of harm to your workers from other sources, such as violent clients for example. In both instances, measures must be taken in order to ensure their safety, by outlining which behaviour is and isn’t appropriate as well as explaining the potentially dangerous risks of the job and how to handle them.
Workplace Violence Policy & Program
Risk Assessment Table
This policy outlines your company’s commitment to safety and ensuring that everyone is trained properly through either internal training or by an accredited outside source.
Hazard Identification & Job Site Inspection
Do you, your employees and subcontractors all know how to identify and avoid potentially dangerous hazards at work? Do you have procedures in place to ensure that everyone is on the same page and know how to work safe?
When hazards are identified, they can then be eliminated or minimized leading to less workplace accidents.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment Policy
Jobsite Inspection Checklist
Daily Inspection Report
Weekly Inspection Report